Download Boss Ultimate – React Admin Template Material Design Nulled


– This is a React template written in react class. It’s built on Material-UI library. It will not work the WordPress nor will it work as a static HTML template.

Boss Ultimate is admin dashboard template based on React and Redux javascript library.
It provides you clean modern design and high performance react app with various color theme.
This template has been built to makes the development process easy and fast for you, which is supported by
material-ui v1.x, jss (css in js), immutable js, webpack, npm modern workflow and flexible layout with flexbox.

boss ultimate


To get confident before buy, please READ the DOCUMENTATION below or TRY the SAMPLE PROJECT to make sure this template suitable for your needs. We don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake or if the item is downloaded

docs button

docs button

What’s Inside?
Boss Ultimate contains more than 25 react components in 9 categories written in react class, that will meet any needs you may have in your project.
Every components, modules and pages are fully customizable, easy to use and suitable for large scale project.

Template Feature

  • Built with one of most popular javascript library React.JS and Redux
  • Use Google Material Design and Icons
  • Easy to manage data collection with immutable.js
  • Code Splitting
  • Load modules with Happypack
  • Written in ES6
  • Responsive design
  • Starter-Project included with minimal setup and configuration
  • High performance with Code Splitting and JSS (CSS in JS)
  • Clean code maintained by eslint
  • 25+ reusable react components and modules
  • Based on standard 12 Grid System
  • Fully vector icons and font icons
  • Simple and elegant Style.
  • Easy to modify
  • Clear and effective documentation with direct code preview
  • And many more…

Library Version

- react 16.4.1
- material-ui 3.9.0
- redux 4.0.0
- webpack 3.0.8
- redux-form 7.4.2
- express 4.16.3
- recharts 1.5.0
- draft-js 0.10.5
- and more...

Folder Structure

├── app           # main application source code
│   ├── actions   # redux action dispatchers and action types
│   ├── api       # api sample dummy data collection and ui initial value
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── components    # UI Components
│   │   ├── Badges
│   │   ├── BreadCrumb
│   │   ├── Calendar
│   │   ├── CardPaper
│   │   ├── Cart
│   │   ├── Chat
│   │   ├── Comments
│   │   ├── Contact
│   │   ├── Counter
│   │   ├── Divider
│   │   ├── Email
│   │   ├── Error
│   │   ├── Forms
│   │   ├── Gallery
│   │   ├── Header
│   │   ├── ImageLightbox
│   │   ├── LandingPage
│   │   ├── Loading
│   │   ├── Notification
│   │   ├── Pagination
│   │   ├── Panel
│   │   ├── PapperBlock
│   │   ├── Product
│   │   ├── Profile
│   │   ├── Quote
│   │   ├── Rating
│   │   ├── Search
│   │   ├── Sidebar
│   │   ├── SocialMedia
│   │   ├── SourceReader
│   │   ├── Tables
│   │   ├── TemplateSettings
│   │   ├── TextEditor
│   │   ├── Widget
│   │   └── index.js
│   ├── config         # enviroment and other global configuration
│   ├── containers     # application wrapper and root template
│   │   ├── App
│   │   ├── Charts
│   │   ├── Dashboard
│   │   ├── Forms
│   │   ├── LandingPage
│   │   ├── LanguageProvider
│   │   ├── Layouts
│   │   ├── Maps
│   │   ├── NotFound
│   │   ├── Pages
│   │   ├── Parent
│   │   ├── Tables
│   │   ├── Templates
│   │   ├── UiElements
│   │   └── pageListAsync.js
│   ├── index.html    # main HTML
│   ├── redux         # redux settings
│   ├── styles        # style declaration witc scss and css
│   └── utils         # redux saga configuration
├── internals         # webpack and app configuration
│   ├── config.js
│   ├── generators
│   ├── mocks
│   ├── scripts
│   ├── testing
│   └── webpack
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json      # npm package manager file 
├── postcss.config.js # css config
├── public            # all public assets directory
│   ├── favicons
│   └── images  
├── server            # backend configuration
│   ├── argv.js
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── logger.js
│   ├── middlewares
│   ├── port.js
│   ├── rawdocs.js
│   └── rawicons.js
└── yarn.lock

Sources and Credit

Fonts :

Preview Images Used


Change Log

Version 1.7 – 29 Nov, 2020
- Update React to hooks lifecycle for Container, Header and Sidebar.

Version 1.6 – 23 Mar, 2020
- Update React to version 16.8.6
- Update Material UI to version 4.7.0
- Update Dropzone to version 10.2.1

Version 1.5.3 – 23 Mar, 2019
- Fixed: Warning when build webpack dll
- Chore: Upgrade material-ui to version 3.9.0

Version 1.5 – 28 Nov 2018
- Chore: Use React Boilerplate for base project
- Chore: Upgrade Material UI to 3.3.2
- Feature: Add Dashboard, Form and Table page fo starter project
- Docs: Updated instalation and deployment documentation

Version 1.3 – 23 Sep 2018
 - Feature: You can change ui theme anywhere with theme chooser
 - Fixed: Memory Leak warning messages in some pages
 - Fixed: Error when get history page from Parent page
 - Chore: updated React Hot Loader module to version 4
 - Design: Improve header menu design
 - Doc: Added guide for production setup in windows OS

Version 1.2.1 – 20 Aug 2018
  - Fix: HMR conflicted with MUI withStyles Issue
  - Docs: Add optimization section

Version 1.2 – 12 Aug 2018
- Chore: Upgrade Webpack to version 4.16.4
  - Chore: Upgrade react router to version 4.3.1
  - Chore: Update Material Icon to version 1.1
  - Chore: Optimize starting project with Happypack
  - Feature: Implemented code splitting 

  Version 1.1 – 28 Jul 2018
  - Chore: Update Material UI to 1.4.1
  - Chore: Update Material Icon to 1.1.0
  - Fix: Miss alignment for icon menu when collapsed
  - Fix: Preloader not show at begining page reload
  - Fix: Invalid date time format in calendar for new created event
  - Feature: Add starter project
  - Feature: Add more Material UI sample ui components

  Version 1.0 – 16 Jul 2018
  - Boss Ultimate released

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Boss Ultimate – React Admin Template Material Design from the The Developer ( ilhammeidi ) website. Thank you.
Download = Boss Ultimate – React Admin Template Material Design-[Updated].zip

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