Download Meme Generator WordPress Plugin Nulled

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The Generator automatically makes the image a featured image in the post and also has a field for users to submit the name of the post!

By many requests, the Meme Generator plugin has now been updated to create every submitted meme as a post!
Give your users options of fonts to use from! Easily upload any font you want your users to use!

Fixed a bug that occurred on a handful of websites. Depending on the template being used, sometimes the image would not show up in the body of the post, and would only show as the featured image.
Also fixed an issue with punctuation that would show a backslash whenever punctuation was used. (this was fixed in an earlier version, but accidentally left out of the previous update)

The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin is exactly what every WordPress Blog has been looking for. Everyone loves seeing and making funny memes, so why not let users do that on your website? The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin has all the features viral meme generator websites have and much more!

It let’s users see a set group of pictures picked by the admin on the left side and a random bunch of pictures that the admin has approved on the right side of the generator. And if that isn’t enough, users can upload their own pictures to make memes with!

The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin let’s users download the meme they have generated and also submit it to the website, and if approved by the admin, let it appear on a page on the website. The admin has full control over what memes are published and aren’t so that no one can spam your website.

This plugin is fun for users and super easy for WordPress site owners to use!

The plugin offers Meme Generator Code in a easy package that can be uploaded and installed on any WordPress website.

The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin in the press:

As seen on:

Client Testimonial:

“This is one of the easy and coolest meme plugins for WordPress. The customer support is awesome. Jordan did an outstanding job creating this plugin. I highly recommend buying this meme plugin if you are looking for ways to have your visitors interact with your website. This will give your users tons of FUN! Thanks Jordan!” – aaronz350

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Meme Generator WordPress Plugin from the The Developer ( JordanBanafsheha ) website. Thank you.
Download = Meme Generator WordPress Plugin-[Updated].zip

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