Download Move the Walls iOS Nulled

Create a simple app that generates passive income with a very low investment and no running costs.

This game is similar to Flappy Birds, except you move the walls instead of the bird.

Start earning money immediately. No coding skills required!

This source code is ridiculously easy to reskin. You can edit the graphics and submit to the App Store in the same day. With Apple’s new review times, your app can go live in as little as one more business day.

Users love the gameplay. You’ll love the specifications.

  • works on all iOS 10 devices
  • 64-bit compatible, built in SpriteKit and Objective C
  • collect coins to unlock up to 11 characters
  • in-app purchases
  • Chartboost interstitials and rewarded video, AdMob ads
  • intuitive user experience, creative interface
  • professional high-resolution graphics with no watermark
  • animated effects
  • full source code included, doesn’t require third party platforms

Please reskin with care. 

We encourage you to take the time to create graphics that will delight users when combined with our source code.

If you would like assistance, Wharton Apps provides graphic creation services at $25/hour. To get a quote today, contact us at

If you prefer to develop your own apps, we offer free information and links to resources at

E-mail us for advice, or a free 10-minute consulting call.

Our apps can scale with proper marketing, whether Facebook ads, influencer marketing, or other methods.

To minimize your startup costs, we focus on development and consulting, not marketing.

If you’re new to the app business, we can advise you on how to market your app. If you already have marketing channels, then you’re in an ideal position to get a large ROI.

Get your piece of an $82 billion/year business.

This year consumers are projected to spend $82 billion  on apps.

Many of our clients have reached the Top Charts, and Wharton Apps alone has made over $100,000 in the app business.

Our customers are consistently highly satisfied with their purchases because of the tremendous value we provide.

Get started today by downloading this source code while it’s still available!

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Move the Walls iOS from the The Developer ( WhartonApps ) website. Thank you.
Download = Move the Walls iOS-[Updated].zip

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About the Author: admin