Download WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme Nulled

Responsive Multi-Purpose Church, Charity and Fundraising WP Theme for your website!

WeBelieve is a WordPress Theme designed & developed for for churches, prayer groups, christian, fundraisers, charity and non-profit organizations. It is fully responsive theme based on Twitter Bootstrap framework that makes it available for all screen sizes from the bigger ones to smartphones. Its not only responsive whereas it is retina ready also – no blurry images on your HiDPI and retina devices.

WeBelieve is fully integrated with the visual composer. This awesome page builder lets you to create complex layouts of your pages and posts with simple drag-n-drop interface.

WeBelieve is well documented and easy to operate and use the integrated features and plugins. The careful support provides the detailed research of each case and providing the best support for your particular case.

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WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme - 5

If you’re buying this theme get ready for the best support ever. Because its fast clear and they will help you with anything. The support is so professional you wont believe it. Also the design of this theme is fantastic I would recommend it to anyone ! I’m 100% satisfied with this purchase !
5 Star Rating – for Customer Support

We have purchased a number of themes on Themeforest but have been disappointed with their execution. The WeBelieve theme has been the best of all. A robust and well designed theme with a great multiplicity of options. Looks great, works great. What more can I say.

Customer Support was AMAZING! We had one problem setting up and an email to Dennis was answered in hours, he even went in and fixed the problem for us. I can’t recommend them highly enough. Thanks Guys!
— actscenter
5 Star Rating – for Customer Support

The BEST customer support that I found on themeforest
In only few days they solved all the problem
the theme is very nice and complete
— subweb
5 Star Rating – for Customer Support

WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme - 6

Church Wp Theme by WeBelieveBuy donations WP themes Buy church templates on wordpress 2017WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme - 7Buy Charity WordPress Themes 2017Buy Nonprofit/NGO/Fundraising WordPress ThemeBuy events themes on wordpress 2017

See full demo

Mobile-friendly Design of WeBieleve Church WP template

WeBelieve church wordpress theme is fully-responsive to be accessible when launched on smaller devices like smartphones and tablets. With high-resolution fonts, icons and backgrounds, it is possible to enjoy the theme even on retina display devices.

WPML Multilingual Support

Spread your ideas worldwide in any language. Since our theme supports WPML – the wordpress multilingual plugin, you can reach more people to tell your church mission in the language of your visitors – just translate your message and add it on your website.

3 Different Variations with 20+ Unique sections

Theme provides unique opportunity to be highly customizable, to serve the ultimate needs of the organization. With 3 different design layouts for churches, charity bodies and fundraising foundations, WeBelieve theme can be an universal instrument for specific destination. Over 20 unique sections, allow maximum customizability for the best results.

Share your organization media gallery using the theme’s features. Create multiple albums, sort your media. The gallery features are fully responsive and adapted for use on mobile devices. Masonry and Isotope features make WeBelieve theme one of the most customizible on the market.

Flexible Event Management System

Capitalize on the event management sections that allow you to publish multi-day church or charity events, locations service times and various countdown timers. The event calendar allows to set up the status of the events, to add recurring or occasional events. This option serves best for scheduled church, charity and fundraising events.

Powerful and Customizable Sermon Manager

The Sermon Manager (Podcasting Sevice) allows to create the Sermons with various media types at once. One Sermon (Podcast) can contain a locally hosted or uploaded on video hosting (YouTube, Vimeo) video, audio recording, playable directly on the page or downloadable, and the pdf document with a transcript of the podcast.

WP theme WooCommerce Integration

The theme is integrated with the most customizable e-commerce platform. Irreproachable design of the WeBelieve theme with the functionality of WooCommerce makes fundraising successful. Donation and subscription management, ticket sales and inventory tracking – everything is designed in the most convenient way to sever both management and user sections.

Automated Theme Setup

Church Theme installation never was easier before! With built-in installation wizard you will no more waste your time on theme installation. Just run the setup and follow the installation steps.

More Church Website Features

WeBelieve Church theme has built-in integration for the fulfillment of the most needs the church or charity organization may have.

  • WPML – Multilingual plugin. Translate your ideas in multiple languages!
  • Contact form – Let your visitor easily contact you with one-click contact form
  • WP Social Plugin – Great integration with social networks.
  • Newsletter – Keep your visitors always updated with the latest news of your organization
  • WooCommerce – Perfect and easiest online store. Sell tickets for events or special charity products, with integrated WooCommerce it’s very easy and convenient.
  • Full responsive and retina ready
  • Clean and tested code
  • Very fast and optimized
  • Hundreds of fonts
  • Color scheme builder (8 out-the-box themes!)
  • Register and login modules using Social Media accounts
  • Well documented
Additional integrated plugins
  • WPML – WordPress multilingual plugin
  • Word Press Social Login
  • Contact Form 7
  • Newsletter plugin
  • Give – Donation plugin
  • Content Aware Sidebars
  • Woocommerce
Complete Feature List
  1. Compatibility with WordPress 4.7 and higher
  2. 8 predefined color themes
  3. Built on the latest Boostrap 3
  4. 6 Custom header styles
  5. 6 Custom menu variations
  6. 3 Custom Homepages Layout
  7. Unlimited colors and Layouts: You can change whole color theme of your website in just a few clicks.
  8. Touch/Swipe Support for maximum compatibility with mobile devices
  9. 18 background patterns to enhance customizability
  10. Sermons Manager with podcasting features (upload or link the videos, add audio files and pdf documents)
  11. Events Manager (Customizable calendar, countdown timers and recurring event management)
  12. Translation Ready. WPML Optimized
  13. Fully-integrated WooCommerce Shop
  14. Dozens of css animations
  15. Grid/list/masonry display styles
  16. Rtl support
  17. Isotope gallery (25$ included)
  18. Retina icons
  19. Video and parallax effect backgrounds
  20. SEO optimized
  21. Donation forms
  22. Standalone login/restore/sign-up pages
  23. Fullscreen slider with animation and video support
  24. Flat design
  25. Themify and FontAwesome icons to increase the pagespeed for best response and load time
  26. Google Font integrated
  27. HTML5 CSS3 Technology
  28. Google Map integrated
  29. Sticky header
  30. Masonry gallery
  31. Clean code
  32. Easy Customization
  33. Well documented
  34. Supports All Modern Browsers
  35. Advanced Theme Options Panel
  36. A lot of shortcodes!
  37. Working Contact Form with anti-spam protection
  38. Latest Tweets
  39. Multiple Sidebars – Create unlimited custom sidebars and choose them on global or post/page level
  40. Child Theme Ready – Create child theme starting from included dummy child theme.
  41. Fully Customizable Mega Menu
  42. WooCommerce Integration
  43. Fully Customizable Headers
  44. Donation Button
  45. Causes Manager
  46. One Click Demo Importer – Easiest and fastest way to build your website, one click imports pages, posts, sliders, widgets, theme options and more!
  47. 100% Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
  48. Wide & Boxed Layout Versions
Support for solution whenever you need

If you need support or any question related to the theme, don’t hesitate to ask us for any purpose. Get the useful and proper advice to save your time so valuable for your church, non-profit or fundraising organisation.


- Added up-to-date WooCommerce templates
- Improved demo importer
- Updated bundled plugins
- Performance improvements


- [Update] Woocommerce templates
- [NEW] Sermons landing page
- [New] Events landing page
- [NEW] Fundraising landing pages
- [NEW] 6 new colors scheme options
- [FIXED] Importer demo content


- [UPDATE][DOCS] improoved
- [UPDATE] Importer demo content
- [NEW][AUTH] Added support for RECAPTHA plugin
- [UPDATE] Added WooEvents
- [NEW] partners slider module
- [UPDATE] core deps
- [FIXED] escaping problems
- [UPDATE][INSTALLER] Enabled autoupdates
- [FIXED][woocomerce] notices styles


- [COMMON] Moved custom js loading to the latest possible moment
- landing style improvements
- [THEMEFOREST] Updated description
- footer panel
- include plugins facebook widget, and seo
- adaptiveheight for slick slider option
- adaptiveheight for slick slider option
- Landing update, counter fixed
- [CAUSES][GALLERY][SERMON] Change section names
- [VISUAL COMPOSER] Group shortocdes under a single category
- [MEMBER] Disabled archive mode
- [MEMBER] Removed old code
- [COMPOSER] Updated deps
- [MEMBER] Added grid shortcode
- [VISUAL COMPOSER] Improved type hinting
- fixed footer margins
- [VISUAL COMPOSER] Set website icon for custom sections
- [VISUAL COMPOSER] Added visual composer helper method to generate dropdown select from a CPT
- [Gallery] Pagination
- fix rtl theme
- fixed raw for testimonials and faq
- [FALLBACK] Initiallize menu and sidebar positions
- [COMPOSER] Updates deps
- [POST][SERMON] Restored ajax page loader template
- [MEMBERS] Added member module and integrated it into Sermons, WooEvents and Blogs Added new member profile page with overview of all sermons, events, posts
- Added noop iterator in order to avoid using conditionals before looping over entities that belong to inactive plugins
- [BLOG] Load More on page scroll
- fixed footer widget twitter
- [BLOG] Load More on page scroll
- Customizer, restored logo configuration, added base font style options
- [CAUSES] Load More on page scroll
- [SERMONS] Load More on page scroll
- [EVENTS] Load More on page scroll
- Improved meta extraction for an entity
- Added new repo method to extract the post by user
- [SIDEBAR] shop sidebar not active on pages: cart/checkout/billing
- Fixed title double-escaping
- [SERMONS] render start time instead of post created date
- edit title size
- chjanges responsive , add animation, fix slider
- [Archive Filter] fix searching Sermons - start time instead of post created date
- [Archive Filter] fix searching Sermons - start time instead of post created date
- [Archive Filter] fix searching by date range
- [INSTALLER] Added url escaping
- [INSTALLER] Fixed missing textdomain
- add animation
- [Theme Check] esc_html
- edit scroll to script, add viewed block script, add check
- [INSTALLER] Improvements to meet Envato requiremnts
- [Customizer] Sidebar control for each post type - bugfixing; removed notices from debugbar wp plugin
- add helper, edit sliders
- [INSTALLER] Fixed template path generation
- [INSTALLER] Avoid buffer warning
- [TRELLIS] Improved error output
- [Archive Filter] removed URLs escaping
- add new function (one-page-menu) in nav.js module
- add menu module
- Updated deps
- add link to header, edit styles
- [I18N] Updated translation file
- color scheme public option
- Added translatable fields to profile
- Improved compatibility with WPML
- new animation (blue-blocks)


- First version

Photo credits

For demonstration purposes, Webelieve uses images licensed under Creative

  • more
    people –

Licensed video

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme from the The Developer ( codefactory47 ) website. Thank you.
Download = WeBelieve | Church, Charity and Fundraising Responsive Multi-Purpose WP Theme-[Updated].zip

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About the Author: admin