Download WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker – Sevengits Nulled

This plugin converts the shipping address entered by the customer to respective coordinates in Google Maps. The map’s marker in the checkout page will navigate to the location entered in the address field, wherein the customer can pinpoint the exact delivery point for their order.

During product checkout, the marked pin-points will be received at the backend as longitude & latitude points.


Sevengits WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker plugin just gets rid of this chaos in your store’s product deliveries.

When your customer fills in the delivery address field during cart checkout, our plugin will automatically adjust the map provided alongside to the entered address. Here the customer can then pinpoint their exact location.

In short, you will get the address in the exact longitude and latitude of the place, marked in your map at the backend. Which is well, a lot more convenient than describing landmarks over the phone.

All the features, labels, options used in the plugin are highly flexible and can be turned on or removed at any time as per your needs.

That means you can easily customize and make it compatible with your WooCommerce theme.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker – Sevengits from the The Developer ( sevengits ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker – Sevengits-[Updated].zip

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